# Migration Guide: v0.13 to v0.14 v0.14.0 introduces a number of breaking changes, throu it should not be hard to migrate. Just follow this guid and if issues still ocure ask for help on discord or feel free to create an issue. - [Removed Functions (#467)](#removed-functions) - [Renamed Functions (#467)](#renamed-functions) - [New Optional Fields (#486)](#new-optional-fields) - [Arguemnts are escapted by the SDK iteslve now (#273)](#escape-function-arguments) ## Removed Functions - for **GetUserTrackedTimes** and **GetRepoTrackedTimes** use **ListRepoTrackedTimes** with specific options set Pulls: - [#467 Remove GetUserTrackedTimes](https://gitea.com/gitea/go-sdk/pulls/467) ## Renamed Functions - **ListTrackedTimes** is now **ListIssueTrackedTimes** Pulls: - [#467 Remove & Rename TrackedTimes list functions](https://gitea.com/gitea/go-sdk/pulls/467) ## New Optional Fields The `EditUserOption` struct has gained several new Optional fields. For example Email type changed from `string` to `*string`. The easiest migration path is, to wrap your options with: **OptionalString()**, **OptionalBool()** and **OptionalInt64()** Pulls: - [#486 Update Structs](https://gitea.com/gitea/go-sdk/pulls/486) ## Escape Function Arguments String arguments like `user`, `repo`, `tag`, ... are now url/path/query escapted as they need. If you had issues and did escape arguments by yourselve you have to remove this now.