mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 12:14:47 +00:00
* Updates * Update * Update * Update * Update * Yarn sometimes prefers npmrc, so use same token * Description * Update readme * Feedback * Add type * new toolkit and scoped registries * npmrc in RUNNER_TEMP * Dont always auth * Try exporting blank token * Get auth working for now pending runner changes * Fix string interpolation for auth token. * Don't export both userconfigs * Update authutil.js * Add single quotes for authString * Fix the registry string. * Use userconfig and append trailing slash * Keep in root of repo * Try just adding auth token * Remove auth token * Try changes again * Add tests * Npm and GPR samples * Add types
373 lines
12 KiB
373 lines
12 KiB
var template, expect;
if (typeof require !== 'undefined') {
template = require('../lib/url-template.js');
expect = require("expect.js");
} else {
template = window.urltemplate;
expect = window.expect;
function createTestContext(c) {
return function (t, r) {
describe('uri-template', function () {
describe('Level 1', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
'var': 'value',
'some.value': 'some',
'some_value': 'value',
'Some%20Thing': 'hello',
'foo': 'bar',
'hello': 'Hello World!',
'bool': false,
'toString': 'string',
'number': 42,
'float': 3.14,
'undef': undefined,
'null': null,
'chars': 'šö䟜ñꀣ¥‡ÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚàáâãäåæçÿü',
'surrogatepairs': '\uD834\uDF06'
it('empty string', function () {
assert('', '');
it('encodes non expressions correctly', function () {
assert('hello/world', 'hello/world');
assert('Hello World!/{foo}', 'Hello%20World!/bar');
assert(':/?#[]@!$&()*+,;=\'', ':/?#[]@!$&()*+,;=\'');
assert('%20', '%20');
assert('%xyz', '%25xyz');
assert('%', '%25');
it('expand plain ASCII strings', function () {
assert('{var}', 'value');
it('expand non-ASCII strings', function () {
assert('{chars}', '%C5%A1%C3%B6%C3%A4%C5%B8%C5%93%C3%B1%C3%AA%E2%82%AC%C2%A3%C2%A5%E2%80%A1%C3%91%C3%92%C3%93%C3%94%C3%95%C3%96%C3%97%C3%98%C3%99%C3%9A%C3%A0%C3%A1%C3%A2%C3%A3%C3%A4%C3%A5%C3%A6%C3%A7%C3%BF%C3%BC');
it('expands and encodes surrogate pairs correctly', function () {
assert('{surrogatepairs}', '%F0%9D%8C%86');
it('expand expressions with dot and underscore', function () {
assert('{some.value}', 'some');
assert('{some_value}', 'value');
it('expand expressions with encoding', function () {
assert('{Some%20Thing}', 'hello');
it('expand expressions with reserved JavaScript names', function () {
assert('{toString}', 'string');
it('expand variables that are not strings', function () {
assert('{number}', '42');
assert('{float}', '3.14');
assert('{bool}', 'false');
it('expand variables that are undefined or null', function () {
assert('{undef}', '');
assert('{null}', '');
it('expand multiple values', function () {
assert('{var}/{foo}', 'value/bar');
it('escape invalid characters correctly', function () {
assert('{hello}', 'Hello%20World%21');
describe('Level 2', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
'var': 'value',
'hello': 'Hello World!',
'path': '/foo/bar'
it('reserved expansion of basic strings', function () {
assert('{+var}', 'value');
assert('{+hello}', 'Hello%20World!');
it('preserves paths', function() {
assert('{+path}/here', '/foo/bar/here');
assert('here?ref={+path}', 'here?ref=/foo/bar');
describe('Level 3', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
'var' : 'value',
'hello' : 'Hello World!',
'empty' : '',
'path' : '/foo/bar',
'x' : '1024',
'y' : '768'
it('variables without an operator', function () {
assert('map?{x,y}', 'map?1024,768');
assert('{x,hello,y}', '1024,Hello%20World%21,768');
it('variables with the reserved expansion operator', function () {
assert('{+x,hello,y}', '1024,Hello%20World!,768');
assert('{+path,x}/here', '/foo/bar,1024/here');
it('variables with the fragment expansion operator', function () {
assert('{#x,hello,y}', '#1024,Hello%20World!,768');
assert('{#path,x}/here', '#/foo/bar,1024/here');
it('variables with the dot operator', function () {
assert('X{.var}', 'X.value');
assert('X{.x,y}', 'X.1024.768');
it('variables with the path operator', function () {
assert('{/var}', '/value');
assert('{/var,x}/here', '/value/1024/here');
it('variables with the parameter operator', function () {
assert('{;x,y}', ';x=1024;y=768');
assert('{;x,y,empty}', ';x=1024;y=768;empty');
it('variables with the query operator', function () {
assert('{?x,y}', '?x=1024&y=768');
assert('{?x,y,empty}', '?x=1024&y=768&empty=');
it('variables with the query continuation operator', function () {
assert('?fixed=yes{&x}', '?fixed=yes&x=1024');
assert('{&x,y,empty}', '&x=1024&y=768&empty=');
describe('Level 4', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
'var': 'value',
'hello': 'Hello World!',
'path': '/foo/bar',
'list': ['red', 'green', 'blue'],
'keys': {
'semi': ';',
'dot': '.',
'comma': ','
"chars": {
'ü': 'ü'
'number': 2133,
'emptystring': '',
'emptylist': [],
'emptyobject': {},
'undefinedlistitem': [1,,2],
'undefinedobjectitem': { key: null, hello: 'world', 'empty': '', '': 'nothing' }
it('variable empty list', function () {
assert('{/emptylist}', '');
assert('{/emptylist*}', '');
assert('{?emptylist}', '?emptylist=');
assert('{?emptylist*}', '');
it('variable empty object', function () {
assert('{/emptyobject}', '');
assert('{/emptyobject*}', '');
assert('{?emptyobject}', '?emptyobject=');
assert('{?emptyobject*}', '');
it('variable undefined list item', function () {
assert('{undefinedlistitem}', '1,2');
assert('{undefinedlistitem*}', '1,2');
assert('{?undefinedlistitem*}', '?undefinedlistitem=1&undefinedlistitem=2');
it('variable undefined object item', function () {
assert('{undefinedobjectitem}', 'hello,world,empty,,,nothing');
assert('{undefinedobjectitem*}', 'hello=world,empty=,nothing');
it('variable empty string', function () {
assert('{emptystring}', '');
assert('{+emptystring}', '');
assert('{#emptystring}', '#');
assert('{.emptystring}', '.');
assert('{/emptystring}', '/');
assert('{;emptystring}', ';emptystring');
assert('{?emptystring}', '?emptystring=');
assert('{&emptystring}', '&emptystring=');
it('variable modifiers prefix', function () {
assert('{var:3}', 'val');
assert('{var:30}', 'value');
assert('{+path:6}/here', '/foo/b/here');
assert('{#path:6}/here', '#/foo/b/here');
assert('X{.var:3}', 'X.val');
assert('{/var:1,var}', '/v/value');
assert('{;hello:5}', ';hello=Hello');
assert('{?var:3}', '?var=val');
assert('{&var:3}', '&var=val');
it('variable modifier prefix converted to string', function () {
assert('{number:3}', '213');
it('variable list expansion', function () {
assert('{list}', 'red,green,blue');
assert('{+list}', 'red,green,blue');
assert('{#list}', '#red,green,blue');
assert('{/list}', '/red,green,blue');
assert('{;list}', ';list=red,green,blue');
assert('{.list}', '.red,green,blue');
assert('{?list}', '?list=red,green,blue');
assert('{&list}', '&list=red,green,blue');
it('variable associative array expansion', function () {
assert('{keys}', 'semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C');
assert('{keys*}', 'semi=%3B,dot=.,comma=%2C');
assert('{+keys}', 'semi,;,dot,.,comma,,');
assert('{#keys}', '#semi,;,dot,.,comma,,');
assert('{.keys}', '.semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C');
assert('{/keys}', '/semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C');
assert('{;keys}', ';keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C');
assert('{?keys}', '?keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C');
assert('{&keys}', '&keys=semi,%3B,dot,.,comma,%2C');
it('variable list explode', function () {
assert('{list*}', 'red,green,blue');
assert('{+list*}', 'red,green,blue');
assert('{#list*}', '#red,green,blue');
assert('{/list*}', '/red/green/blue');
assert('{;list*}', ';list=red;list=green;list=blue');
assert('{.list*}', '.red.green.blue');
assert('{?list*}', '?list=red&list=green&list=blue');
assert('{&list*}', '&list=red&list=green&list=blue');
assert('{/list*,path:4}', '/red/green/blue/%2Ffoo');
it('variable associative array explode', function () {
assert('{+keys*}', 'semi=;,dot=.,comma=,');
assert('{#keys*}', '#semi=;,dot=.,comma=,');
assert('{/keys*}', '/semi=%3B/dot=./comma=%2C');
assert('{;keys*}', ';semi=%3B;dot=.;comma=%2C');
assert('{?keys*}', '?semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C');
assert('{&keys*}', '&semi=%3B&dot=.&comma=%2C')
it('encodes associative arrays correctly', function () {
assert('{chars*}', '%C3%BC=%C3%BC');
describe('Encoding', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
restricted: ":/?#[]@!$&()*+,;='",
percent: '%',
encoded: '%25',
'pctencoded%20name': '',
mapWithEncodedName: {
'encoded%20name': ''
mapWithRestrictedName: {
'restricted=name': ''
mapWidthUmlautName: {
'ümlaut': ''
it('passes through percent encoded values', function () {
assert('{percent}', '%25');
assert('{+encoded}', '%25');
it('encodes restricted characters correctly', function () {
assert('{restricted}', '%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D%27');
assert('{+restricted}', ':/?#[]@!$&()*+,;=\'');
assert('{#restricted}', '#:/?#[]@!$&()*+,;=\'');
assert('{/restricted}', '/%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D%27');
assert('{;restricted}', ';restricted=%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D%27');
assert('{.restricted}', '.%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D%27');
assert('{?restricted}', '?restricted=%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D%27');
assert('{&restricted}', '&restricted=%3A%2F%3F%23%5B%5D%40%21%24%26%28%29%2A%2B%2C%3B%3D%27');
describe('Error handling (or the lack thereof)', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
foo: 'test',
keys: {
foo: 'bar'
it('does not expand invalid expressions', function () {
assert('{test', '{test');
assert('test}', 'test}');
assert('{{test}}', '{}'); // TODO: Is this acceptable?
it('does not expand with incorrect operators', function () {
assert('{@foo}', ''); // TODO: This will try to match a variable called `@foo` which will fail because it is not in our context. We could catch this by ignoring reserved operators?
assert('{$foo}', ''); // TODO: Same story, but $ is not a reserved operator.
assert('{++foo}', '');
it('ignores incorrect prefixes', function () {
assert('{foo:test}', 'test'); // TODO: Invalid prefixes are ignored. We could throw an error.
assert('{foo:2test}', 'te'); // TODO: Best effort is OK?
it('prefix applied to the wrong context', function () {
assert('{keys:1}', 'foo,bar');
describe('Skipping undefined arguments', function () {
var assert = createTestContext({
'var': 'value',
'number': 2133,
'emptystring': '',
'emptylist': [],
'emptyobject': {},
'undefinedlistitem': [1,,2],
it('variable undefined list item', function () {
assert('{undefinedlistitem}', '1,2');
assert('{undefinedlistitem*}', '1,2');
assert('{?undefinedlistitem*}', '?undefinedlistitem=1&undefinedlistitem=2');
it('query with empty/undefined arguments', function () {
assert('{?var,number}', '?var=value&number=2133');
assert('{?undef}', '');
assert('{?emptystring}', '?emptystring=');
assert('{?emptylist}', '?emptylist=');
assert('{?emptyobject}', '?emptyobject=');
assert('{?undef,var,emptystring}', '?var=value&emptystring=');