Files located in data directory are used only for testing purposes. ## Here the list of files in the data directory - `.nvmrc`, `.tools-versions` and `package.json` are used to test node-version-file logic - `package-lock.json`, `pnpm-lock.yaml` and `yarn.lock` are used to test cache logic - `versions-manifest.json` is used for unit testing to check downloading Node.js versions from the node-versions repository. - `node-dist-index.json` is used for unit testing to check downloading Node.js versions from the official site. The file was constructed from - `node-rc-index.json` is used for unit testing to check downloading Node.js rc versions from the official site. The file was constructed from - `node-nightly-index.json` is used for unit testing to check downloading Node.js nightly builds from the official site. The file was constructed from