import * as core from '@actions/core'; import os from 'os'; import * as auth from './authutil'; import * as path from 'path'; import {restoreCache} from './cache-restore'; import {isCacheFeatureAvailable} from './cache-utils'; import {getNodejsDistribution} from './distributions/installer-factory'; import {getNodeVersionFromFile, printEnvDetailsAndSetOutput} from './util'; import {State} from './constants'; export async function run() { try { // // Version is optional. If supplied, install / use from the tool cache // If not supplied then task is still used to setup proxy, auth, etc... // const version = resolveVersionInput(); let arch = core.getInput('architecture'); const cache = core.getInput('cache'); // if architecture supplied but node-version is not // if we don't throw a warning, the already installed x64 node will be used which is not probably what user meant. if (arch && !version) { core.warning( '`architecture` is provided but `node-version` is missing. In this configuration, the version/architecture of Node will not be changed. To fix this, provide `architecture` in combination with `node-version`' ); } if (!arch) { arch = os.arch(); } const mirrorURL = core.getInput('mirror-url'); if (version) { const token = core.getInput('token'); const auth = !token ? undefined : `token ${token}`; const stable = (core.getInput('stable') || 'true').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE'; const checkLatest = (core.getInput('check-latest') || 'false').toUpperCase() === 'TRUE'; const nodejsInfo = { versionSpec: version, checkLatest, auth, stable, arch, mirrorURL }; const nodeDistribution = getNodejsDistribution(nodejsInfo); await nodeDistribution.setupNodeJs(); } await printEnvDetailsAndSetOutput(); const registryUrl: string = core.getInput('registry-url'); const alwaysAuth: string = core.getInput('always-auth'); if (registryUrl) { auth.configAuthentication(registryUrl, alwaysAuth); } if (cache && isCacheFeatureAvailable()) { core.saveState(State.CachePackageManager, cache); const cacheDependencyPath = core.getInput('cache-dependency-path'); await restoreCache(cache, cacheDependencyPath); } const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, '../..', '.github');`##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'tsc.json')}`); `##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'eslint-stylish.json')}` ); `##[add-matcher]${path.join(matchersPath, 'eslint-compact.json')}` ); } catch (err) { core.setFailed((err as Error).message); } } function resolveVersionInput(): string { let version = core.getInput('node-version'); const versionFileInput = core.getInput('node-version-file'); if (version && versionFileInput) { core.warning( 'Both node-version and node-version-file inputs are specified, only node-version will be used' ); } if (version) { return version; } if (versionFileInput) { const versionFilePath = path.join( process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE!, versionFileInput ); const parsedVersion = getNodeVersionFromFile(versionFilePath); if (parsedVersion) { version = parsedVersion; } else { core.warning( `Could not determine node version from ${versionFilePath}. Falling back` ); }`Resolved ${versionFileInput} as ${version}`); } return version; }