* This declaration file requires TypeScript 3.1 or above.
import * as http from "http";
declare namespace Octokit {
type json = any;
type date = string;
export interface Static {
plugin(plugin: Plugin): Static;
new (options?: Octokit.Options): Octokit;
export interface Response {
/** This is the data you would see in https://developer.github.com/v3/ */
data: T;
/** Response status number */
status: number;
/** Response headers */
headers: {
date: string;
"x-ratelimit-limit": string;
"x-ratelimit-remaining": string;
"x-ratelimit-reset": string;
"x-Octokit-request-id": string;
"x-Octokit-media-type": string;
link: string;
"last-modified": string;
etag: string;
status: string;
[Symbol.iterator](): Iterator;
export type AnyResponse = Response;
export interface EmptyParams {}
export interface Options {
| string
| { username: string; password: string; on2fa: () => Promise }
| { clientId: string; clientSecret: string }
| { (): string | Promise };
userAgent?: string;
previews?: string[];
baseUrl?: string;
log?: {
debug?: (message: string, info?: object) => void;
info?: (message: string, info?: object) => void;
warn?: (message: string, info?: object) => void;
error?: (message: string, info?: object) => void;
request?: {
agent?: http.Agent;
timeout?: number;
timeout?: number; // Deprecated
headers?: { [header: string]: any }; // Deprecated
agent?: http.Agent; // Deprecated
[option: string]: any;
export type RequestMethod =
| "GET"
| "HEAD"
| "POST"
| "PUT";
export interface EndpointOptions {
baseUrl?: string;
method?: RequestMethod;
url?: string;
headers?: { [header: string]: any };
data?: any;
request?: { [option: string]: any };
[parameter: string]: any;
export interface RequestOptions {
method?: RequestMethod;
url?: string;
headers?: { [header: string]: any };
body?: any;
request?: { [option: string]: any };
export interface Log {
debug: (message: string, additionalInfo?: object) => void;
info: (message: string, additionalInfo?: object) => void;
warn: (message: string, additionalInfo?: object) => void;
error: (message: string, additionalInfo?: object) => void;
export interface Endpoint {
Route: string,
EndpointOptions?: Octokit.EndpointOptions
): Octokit.RequestOptions;
(EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions): Octokit.RequestOptions;
* Current default options
DEFAULTS: Octokit.EndpointOptions;
* Get the defaulted endpoint options, but without parsing them into request options:
Route: string,
EndpointOptions?: Octokit.EndpointOptions
): Octokit.RequestOptions;
merge(EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions): Octokit.RequestOptions;
* Stateless method to turn endpoint options into request options. Calling endpoint(options) is the same as calling endpoint.parse(endpoint.merge(options)).
parse(EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions): Octokit.RequestOptions;
* Merges existing defaults with passed options and returns new endpoint() method with new defaults
defaults(EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions): Octokit.Endpoint;
export interface Request {
(Route: string, EndpointOptions?: Octokit.EndpointOptions): Promise<
(EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions): Promise;
endpoint: Octokit.Endpoint;
export interface AuthBasic {
type: "basic";
username: string;
password: string;
export interface AuthOAuthToken {
type: "oauth";
token: string;
export interface AuthOAuthSecret {
type: "oauth";
key: string;
secret: string;
export interface AuthUserToken {
type: "token";
token: string;
export interface AuthJWT {
type: "app";
token: string;
export type Link = { link: string } | { headers: { link: string } } | string;
export interface Callback {
(error: Error | null, result: T): any;
export type Plugin = (octokit: Octokit, options: Octokit.Options) => void;
// See https://github.com/octokit/request.js#octokitrequest
export type HookOptions = {
baseUrl: string;
headers: { [header: string]: string };
method: string;
url: string;
data: any;
// See https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch#options
request: {
follow?: number;
timeout?: number;
compress?: boolean;
size?: number;
agent?: string | null;
[index: string]: any;
export type HookError = Error & {
status: number;
headers: { [header: string]: string };
documentation_url?: string;
errors?: [
resource: string;
field: string;
code: string;
export interface Paginate {
Route: string,
EndpointOptions?: Octokit.EndpointOptions,
callback?: (response: Octokit.AnyResponse) => any
): Promise;
EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions,
callback?: (response: Octokit.AnyResponse) => any
): Promise;
iterator: (
EndpointOptions: Octokit.EndpointOptions
) => AsyncIterableIterator;
type UsersDeletePublicKeyResponse = {};
type UsersCreatePublicKeyResponse = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type UsersGetPublicKeyResponse = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type UsersListPublicKeysResponseItem = {
id: number;
key: string;
url: string;
title: string;
verified: boolean;
created_at: string;
read_only: boolean;
type UsersListPublicKeysForUserResponseItem = { id: number; key: string };
type UsersDeleteGpgKeyResponse = {};
type UsersCreateGpgKeyResponseSubkeysItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: number;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersCreateGpgKeyResponseEmailsItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
type UsersCreateGpgKeyResponse = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: null;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersGetGpgKeyResponseSubkeysItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: number;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersGetGpgKeyResponseEmailsItem = { email: string; verified: boolean };
type UsersGetGpgKeyResponse = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: null;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersListGpgKeysResponseItemSubkeysItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: number;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersListGpgKeysResponseItemEmailsItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
type UsersListGpgKeysResponseItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: null;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersListGpgKeysForUserResponseItemSubkeysItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: number;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersListGpgKeysForUserResponseItemEmailsItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
type UsersListGpgKeysForUserResponseItem = {
id: number;
primary_key_id: null;
key_id: string;
public_key: string;
emails: Array;
subkeys: Array;
can_sign: boolean;
can_encrypt_comms: boolean;
can_encrypt_storage: boolean;
can_certify: boolean;
created_at: string;
expires_at: null;
type UsersUnfollowResponse = {};
type UsersFollowResponse = {};
type UsersListFollowingForAuthenticatedUserResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UsersListFollowingForUserResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UsersListFollowersForAuthenticatedUserResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UsersListFollowersForUserResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UsersTogglePrimaryEmailVisibilityResponseItem = {
email: string;
primary: boolean;
verified: boolean;
visibility: string;
type UsersDeleteEmailsResponse = {};
type UsersAddEmailsResponseItem = {
email: string;
primary: boolean;
verified: boolean;
visibility: string | null;
type UsersListPublicEmailsResponseItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
primary: boolean;
visibility: string;
type UsersListEmailsResponseItem = {
email: string;
verified: boolean;
primary: boolean;
visibility: string;
type UsersUnblockResponse = {};
type UsersBlockResponse = {};
type UsersCheckBlockedResponse = {};
type UsersListBlockedResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UsersListResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type UsersUpdateAuthenticatedResponsePlan = {
name: string;
space: number;
private_repos: number;
collaborators: number;
type UsersUpdateAuthenticatedResponse = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
name: string;
company: string;
blog: string;
location: string;
email: string;
hireable: boolean;
bio: string;
public_repos: number;
public_gists: number;
followers: number;
following: number;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
private_gists: number;
total_private_repos: number;
owned_private_repos: number;
disk_usage: number;
collaborators: number;
two_factor_authentication: boolean;
plan: UsersUpdateAuthenticatedResponsePlan;
type UsersGetByUsernameResponse = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
name: string;
company: string;
blog: string;
location: string;
email: string;
hireable: boolean;
bio: string;
public_repos: number;
public_gists: number;
followers: number;
following: number;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
type TeamsListPendingInvitationsResponseItemInviter = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type TeamsListPendingInvitationsResponseItem = {
id: number;
login: string;
email: string;
role: string;
created_at: string;
inviter: TeamsListPendingInvitationsResponseItemInviter;
team_count: number;
invitation_team_url: string;
type TeamsRemoveMembershipResponse = {};
type TeamsRemoveMemberResponse = {};
type TeamsAddMemberResponse = {};
type TeamsListMembersResponseItem = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type TeamsDeleteDiscussionResponse = {};
type TeamsUpdateDiscussionResponseReactions = {
url: string;
total_count: number;
"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
confused: number;
heart: number;
hooray: number;
type TeamsUpdateDiscussionResponseAuthor = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type TeamsUpdateDiscussionResponse = {
author: TeamsUpdateDiscussionResponseAuthor;
body: string;
body_html: string;
body_version: string;
comments_count: number;
comments_url: string;
created_at: string;
last_edited_at: string;
html_url: string;
node_id: string;
number: number;
pinned: boolean;
private: boolean;
team_url: string;
title: string;
updated_at: string;
url: string;
reactions: TeamsUpdateDiscussionResponseReactions;
type TeamsCreateDiscussionResponseReactions = {
url: string;
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
confused: number;
heart: number;
hooray: number;
type TeamsCreateDiscussionResponseAuthor = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
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url: string;
html_url: string;
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following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type TeamsCreateDiscussionResponse = {
author: TeamsCreateDiscussionResponseAuthor;
body: string;
body_html: string;
body_version: string;
comments_count: number;
comments_url: string;
created_at: string;
last_edited_at: null;
html_url: string;
node_id: string;
number: number;
pinned: boolean;
private: boolean;
team_url: string;
title: string;
updated_at: string;
url: string;
reactions: TeamsCreateDiscussionResponseReactions;
type TeamsGetDiscussionResponseReactions = {
url: string;
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
confused: number;
heart: number;
hooray: number;
type TeamsGetDiscussionResponseAuthor = {
login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
avatar_url: string;
gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
followers_url: string;
following_url: string;
gists_url: string;
starred_url: string;
subscriptions_url: string;
organizations_url: string;
repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
type: string;
site_admin: boolean;
type TeamsGetDiscussionResponse = {
author: TeamsGetDiscussionResponseAuthor;
body: string;
body_html: string;
body_version: string;
comments_count: number;
comments_url: string;
created_at: string;
last_edited_at: null;
html_url: string;
node_id: string;
number: number;
pinned: boolean;
private: boolean;
team_url: string;
title: string;
updated_at: string;
url: string;
reactions: TeamsGetDiscussionResponseReactions;
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
confused: number;
heart: number;
hooray: number;
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login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
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url: string;
html_url: string;
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repos_url: string;
events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
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site_admin: boolean;
type TeamsListDiscussionsResponseItem = {
author: TeamsListDiscussionsResponseItemAuthor;
body: string;
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comments_url: string;
created_at: string;
last_edited_at: null;
html_url: string;
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number: number;
pinned: boolean;
private: boolean;
team_url: string;
title: string;
updated_at: string;
url: string;
reactions: TeamsListDiscussionsResponseItemReactions;
type TeamsDeleteDiscussionCommentResponse = {};
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
confused: number;
heart: number;
hooray: number;
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node_id: string;
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events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
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author: TeamsUpdateDiscussionCommentResponseAuthor;
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html_url: string;
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
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hooray: number;
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received_events_url: string;
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author: TeamsCreateDiscussionCommentResponseAuthor;
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
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heart: number;
hooray: number;
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login: string;
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events_url: string;
received_events_url: string;
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author: TeamsGetDiscussionCommentResponseAuthor;
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last_edited_at: null;
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reactions: TeamsGetDiscussionCommentResponseReactions;
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"+1": number;
"-1": number;
laugh: number;
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heart: number;
hooray: number;
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login: string;
id: number;
node_id: string;
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gravatar_id: string;
url: string;
html_url: string;
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last_edited_at: null;
discussion_url: string;
html_url: string;
node_id: string;
number: number;
updated_at: string;
url: string;
reactions: TeamsListDiscussionCommentsResponseItemReactions;
type TeamsRemoveProjectResponse = {};
type TeamsAddOrUpdateProjectResponse = {};
type TeamsReviewProjectResponsePermissions = {
read: boolean;
write: boolean;
admin: boolean;
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body: string;
number: number;
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creator: TeamsReviewProjectResponseCreator;
created_at: string;
updated_at: string;
organization_permission: string;
private: boolean;
permissions: TeamsReviewProjectResponsePermissions;
type TeamsListProjectsResponseItemPermissions = {
read: boolean;
write: boolean;
admin: boolean;
type TeamsListProjectsResponseItemCreator = {
login: string;
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type LicensesListResponse = Array;
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type MigrationsGetLargeFilesResponse = Array<
type MigrationsListForAuthenticatedUserResponse = Array<
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