import * as core from '@actions/core'; import * as io from '@actions/io'; import * as installer from './installer'; import * as semver from 'semver'; import path from 'path'; import cp from 'child_process'; import fs from 'fs'; import {URL} from 'url'; export async function run() { try { // // versionSpec is optional. If supplied, install / use from the tool cache // If not supplied then problem matchers will still be setup. Useful for self-hosted. // let versionSpec = core.getInput('go-version');`Setup go version spec ${versionSpec}`); if (versionSpec) { let token = core.getInput('token'); let auth = !token || isGhes() ? undefined : `token ${token}`; const checkLatest = core.getBooleanInput('check-latest'); const installDir = await installer.getGo(versionSpec, checkLatest, auth); core.addPath(path.join(installDir, 'bin'));'Added go to the path'); const version = installer.makeSemver(versionSpec); // Go versions less than 1.9 require GOROOT to be set if (, '1.9.0')) {'Setting GOROOT for Go version < 1.9'); core.exportVariable('GOROOT', installDir); } let added = await addBinToPath(); core.debug(`add bin ${added}`);`Successfully setup go version ${versionSpec}`); } // add problem matchers const matchersPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'matchers.json');`##[add-matcher]${matchersPath}`); // output the version actually being used let goPath = await io.which('go'); let goVersion = (cp.execSync(`${goPath} version`) || '').toString();; core.startGroup('go env'); let goEnv = (cp.execSync(`${goPath} env`) || '').toString();; core.endGroup(); } catch (error) { core.setFailed(error.message); } } export async function addBinToPath(): Promise<boolean> { let added = false; let g = await io.which('go'); core.debug(`which go :${g}:`); if (!g) { core.debug('go not in the path'); return added; } let buf = cp.execSync('go env GOPATH'); if (buf) { let gp = buf.toString().trim(); core.debug(`go env GOPATH :${gp}:`); if (!fs.existsSync(gp)) { // some of the hosted images have go install but not profile dir core.debug(`creating ${gp}`); io.mkdirP(gp); } let bp = path.join(gp, 'bin'); if (!fs.existsSync(bp)) { core.debug(`creating ${bp}`); io.mkdirP(bp); } core.addPath(bp); added = true; } return added; } function isGhes(): boolean { const ghUrl = new URL( process.env['GITHUB_SERVER_URL'] || '' ); return ghUrl.hostname.toUpperCase() !== 'GITHUB.COM'; }