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synced 2025-03-01 04:33:29 +00:00
* Report for Golang errors Right now if you use Gosec to scan invalid go file and if you report the result in a text, JSON, CSV or another file format you will always receive 0 issues. The reason for that is that Gosec can't parse the AST of invalid go files and thus will not report anything. The real problem here is that the user will never know about the issue if he generates the output in a file. Signed-off-by: Martin Vrachev <mvrachev@vmware.com>
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// (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package gosec holds the central scanning logic used by gosec security scanner
package gosec
import (
// The Context is populated with data parsed from the source code as it is scanned.
// It is passed through to all rule functions as they are called. Rules may use
// this data in conjunction withe the encountered AST node.
type Context struct {
FileSet *token.FileSet
Comments ast.CommentMap
Info *types.Info
Pkg *types.Package
PkgFiles []*ast.File
Root *ast.File
Config Config
Imports *ImportTracker
Ignores []map[string]bool
// Metrics used when reporting information about a scanning run.
type Metrics struct {
NumFiles int `json:"files"`
NumLines int `json:"lines"`
NumNosec int `json:"nosec"`
NumFound int `json:"found"`
// Analyzer object is the main object of gosec. It has methods traverse an AST
// and invoke the correct checking rules as on each node as required.
type Analyzer struct {
ignoreNosec bool
ruleset RuleSet
context *Context
config Config
logger *log.Logger
issues []*Issue
stats *Metrics
errors map[string][]Error // keys are file paths; values are the golang errors in those files
// NewAnalyzer builds a new analyzer.
func NewAnalyzer(conf Config, logger *log.Logger) *Analyzer {
ignoreNoSec := false
if enabled, err := conf.IsGlobalEnabled(Nosec); err == nil {
ignoreNoSec = enabled
if logger == nil {
logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "[gosec]", log.LstdFlags)
return &Analyzer{
ignoreNosec: ignoreNoSec,
ruleset: make(RuleSet),
context: &Context{},
config: conf,
logger: logger,
issues: make([]*Issue, 0, 16),
stats: &Metrics{},
errors: make(map[string][]Error),
// LoadRules instantiates all the rules to be used when analyzing source
// packages
func (gosec *Analyzer) LoadRules(ruleDefinitions map[string]RuleBuilder) {
for id, def := range ruleDefinitions {
r, nodes := def(id, gosec.config)
gosec.ruleset.Register(r, nodes...)
// Process kicks off the analysis process for a given package
func (gosec *Analyzer) Process(buildTags []string, packagePaths ...string) error {
ctx := build.Default
ctx.BuildTags = append(ctx.BuildTags, buildTags...)
packageConfig := loader.Config{
Build: &ctx,
ParserMode: parser.ParseComments,
AllowErrors: true,
for _, packagePath := range packagePaths {
abspath, err := GetPkgAbsPath(packagePath)
if err != nil {
gosec.logger.Printf("Skipping: %s. Path doesn't exist.", abspath)
gosec.logger.Println("Searching directory:", abspath)
basePackage, err := build.Default.ImportDir(packagePath, build.ImportComment)
if err != nil {
return err
var packageFiles []string
for _, filename := range basePackage.GoFiles {
packageFiles = append(packageFiles, path.Join(packagePath, filename))
packageConfig.CreateFromFilenames(basePackage.Name, packageFiles...)
builtPackage, err := packageConfig.Load()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, packageInfo := range builtPackage.AllPackages {
if len(packageInfo.Errors) != 0 {
for _, packErr := range packageInfo.Errors {
// infoErr contains information about the error
// at index 0 is the file path
// at index 1 is the line; index 2 is for column
// at index 3 is the actual error
infoErr := strings.Split(packErr.Error(), ":")
filePath := infoErr[0]
line, err := strconv.Atoi(infoErr[1])
if err != nil {
return err
column, err := strconv.Atoi(infoErr[2])
if err != nil {
return err
newErr := NewError(line, column, strings.TrimSpace(infoErr[3]))
if errSlice, ok := gosec.errors[filePath]; ok {
gosec.errors[filePath] = append(errSlice, *newErr)
} else {
errSlice = make([]Error, 0)
gosec.errors[filePath] = append(errSlice, *newErr)
sortErrors(gosec.errors) // sorts errors by line and column in the file
for _, pkg := range builtPackage.Created {
gosec.logger.Println("Checking package:", pkg.String())
for _, file := range pkg.Files {
gosec.logger.Println("Checking file:", builtPackage.Fset.File(file.Pos()).Name())
gosec.context.FileSet = builtPackage.Fset
gosec.context.Config = gosec.config
gosec.context.Comments = ast.NewCommentMap(gosec.context.FileSet, file, file.Comments)
gosec.context.Root = file
gosec.context.Info = &pkg.Info
gosec.context.Pkg = pkg.Pkg
gosec.context.PkgFiles = pkg.Files
gosec.context.Imports = NewImportTracker()
ast.Walk(gosec, file)
gosec.stats.NumLines += builtPackage.Fset.File(file.Pos()).LineCount()
return nil
// ignore a node (and sub-tree) if it is tagged with a "#nosec" comment
func (gosec *Analyzer) ignore(n ast.Node) ([]string, bool) {
if groups, ok := gosec.context.Comments[n]; ok && !gosec.ignoreNosec {
for _, group := range groups {
if strings.Contains(group.Text(), "#nosec") {
// Pull out the specific rules that are listed to be ignored.
re := regexp.MustCompile("(G\\d{3})")
matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(group.Text(), -1)
// If no specific rules were given, ignore everything.
if matches == nil || len(matches) == 0 {
return nil, true
// Find the rule IDs to ignore.
var ignores []string
for _, v := range matches {
ignores = append(ignores, v[1])
return ignores, false
return nil, false
// Visit runs the gosec visitor logic over an AST created by parsing go code.
// Rule methods added with AddRule will be invoked as necessary.
func (gosec *Analyzer) Visit(n ast.Node) ast.Visitor {
// If we've reached the end of this branch, pop off the ignores stack.
if n == nil {
if len(gosec.context.Ignores) > 0 {
gosec.context.Ignores = gosec.context.Ignores[1:]
return gosec
// Get any new rule exclusions.
ignoredRules, ignoreAll := gosec.ignore(n)
if ignoreAll {
return nil
// Now create the union of exclusions.
ignores := make(map[string]bool, 0)
if len(gosec.context.Ignores) > 0 {
for k, v := range gosec.context.Ignores[0] {
ignores[k] = v
for _, v := range ignoredRules {
ignores[v] = true
// Push the new set onto the stack.
gosec.context.Ignores = append([]map[string]bool{ignores}, gosec.context.Ignores...)
// Track aliased and initialization imports
for _, rule := range gosec.ruleset.RegisteredFor(n) {
if _, ok := ignores[rule.ID()]; ok {
issue, err := rule.Match(n, gosec.context)
if err != nil {
file, line := GetLocation(n, gosec.context)
file = path.Base(file)
gosec.logger.Printf("Rule error: %v => %s (%s:%d)\n", reflect.TypeOf(rule), err, file, line)
if issue != nil {
gosec.issues = append(gosec.issues, issue)
return gosec
// Report returns the current issues discovered and the metrics about the scan
func (gosec *Analyzer) Report() ([]*Issue, *Metrics, map[string][]Error) {
return gosec.issues, gosec.stats, gosec.errors
// Reset clears state such as context, issues and metrics from the configured analyzer
func (gosec *Analyzer) Reset() {
gosec.context = &Context{}
gosec.issues = make([]*Issue, 0, 16)
gosec.stats = &Metrics{}