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synced 2025-03-01 04:33:29 +00:00
This re-works the way that CLI options are passed through to the analyzer so that they can act as overrides for config options. If not given on the CLI, options will come from a config file. If no file is used then a default value is chosen. Two lists are also populated with tests to include or exclude. These lists are not used for now but will eventually replace the way we select test to run in a future patch to follow.
215 lines
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215 lines
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// (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package main
import (
gas "github.com/HewlettPackard/gas/core"
// #nosec flag
var flagIgnoreNoSec = flag.Bool("nosec", false, "Ignores #nosec comments when set")
// format output
var flagFormat = flag.String("fmt", "text", "Set output format. Valid options are: json, csv of text")
// output file
var flagOutput = flag.String("out", "", "Set output file for results")
var flagConfig = flag.String("conf", "", "Path to optional config file")
var usageText = `
GAS - Go AST Scanner
Gas analyzes Go source code to look for common programming mistakes that
can lead to security problems.
# Check a single Go file
$ gas example.go
# Check all files under the current directory and save results in
# json format.
$ gas -fmt=json -out=results.json ./...
# Run a specific set of rules (by default all rules will be run):
$ gas -rule=sql -rule=sql ./...
var logger *log.Logger
func extendConfList(conf map[string]interface{}, name string, input []string) {
if val, ok := conf[name]; ok {
if data, ok := val.(*[]string); ok {
conf[name] = append(*data, input...)
} else {
logger.Fatal("Config item must be a string list: ", name)
} else {
conf[name] = []string{}
func buildConfig(incRules string, excRules string) map[string]interface{} {
config := make(map[string]interface{})
if flagConfig != nil && *flagConfig != "" { // parse config if we have one
if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*flagConfig); err == nil {
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &(config)); err != nil {
logger.Fatal("Could not parse JSON config: ", *flagConfig, ": ", err)
} else {
logger.Fatal("Could not read config file: ", *flagConfig)
// add in CLI include and exclude data
extendConfList(config, "include", strings.Split(incRules, ","))
extendConfList(config, "exclude", strings.Split(excRules, ","))
// override ignoreNosec if given on CLI
if flagIgnoreNoSec != nil {
config["ignoreNosec"] = *flagIgnoreNoSec
} else {
val, ok := config["ignoreNosec"]
if !ok {
config["ignoreNosec"] = false
} else if _, ok := val.(bool); !ok {
logger.Fatal("Config value must be a bool: 'ignoreNosec'")
return config
func usage() {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usageText)
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "OPTIONS:\n\n")
func main() {
// Setup usage description
flag.Usage = usage
// Exclude files
var excluded filelist = []string{"*_test.go"}
flag.Var(&excluded, "skip", "File pattern to exclude from scan")
// Rule configuration
rules := newRulelist()
flag.Var(&rules, "rule", "GAS rules enabled when performing a scan")
incRules := ""
flag.StringVar(&incRules, "include", "", "comma sperated list of rules to include")
excRules := ""
flag.StringVar(&excRules, "exclude", "", "comma sperated list of rules to exclude")
// Custom commands / utilities to run instead of default analyzer
tools := newUtils()
flag.Var(tools, "tool", "GAS utilities to assist with rule development")
// Parse command line arguments
// Setup logging
logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "[gas]", log.LstdFlags)
// Ensure at least one file was specified
if flag.NArg() == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nerror: FILE [FILE...] or './...' expected\n")
// Run utils instead of analysis
if len(tools.call) > 0 {
// Setup analyzer
config := buildConfig(incRules, excRules)
analyzer := gas.NewAnalyzer(config, logger)
if !rules.overwritten {
// Traverse directory structure if './...'
if flag.NArg() == 1 && flag.Arg(0) == "./..." {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Unable to traverse path %s, reason - %s", flag.Arg(0), err)
filepath.Walk(cwd, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if excluded.Contains(path) && info.IsDir() {
logger.Printf("Skipping %s\n", path)
return filepath.SkipDir
if !info.IsDir() && !excluded.Contains(path) &&
strings.HasSuffix(path, ".go") {
err = analyzer.Process(path)
if err != nil {
return nil
} else {
// Process each file individually
for _, filename := range flag.Args() {
if finfo, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil {
if !finfo.IsDir() && !excluded.Contains(filename) &&
strings.HasSuffix(filename, ".go") {
if err = analyzer.Process(filename); err != nil {
} else {
// Create output report
if *flagOutput != "" {
outfile, err := os.Create(*flagOutput)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Couldn't open: %s for writing. Reason - %s", *flagOutput, err)
defer outfile.Close()
output.CreateReport(outfile, *flagFormat, &analyzer)
} else {
output.CreateReport(os.Stdout, *flagFormat, &analyzer)