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synced 2024-12-26 04:25:52 +00:00
This will hopefully reduce the number of false positives when it comes to hard coded credentials. The zxcvbn library is used to calculate the entropy of the string. By default the first 16 characters are considered as doing the entropy check for strings much longer than that introduces a fairly significant performance hit.
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140 lines
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// (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package rules
import (
gas "github.com/GoASTScanner/gas/core"
type Credentials struct {
pattern *regexp.Regexp
entropyThreshold float64
perCharThreshold float64
truncate int64
ignoreEntropy bool
func (r *Credentials) isHighEntropyString(str string) bool {
s := fmt.Sprintf("%.*s", r.truncate, str)
info := zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(s, []string{})
entropyPerChar := info.Entropy / float64(len(s))
return (info.Entropy >= r.entropyThreshold ||
(info.Entropy >= (r.entropyThreshold/2) &&
entropyPerChar >= r.perCharThreshold))
func (r *Credentials) Match(n ast.Node, ctx *gas.Context) (*gas.Issue, error) {
switch node := n.(type) {
case *ast.AssignStmt:
return r.matchAssign(node, ctx)
case *ast.GenDecl:
return r.matchGenDecl(node, ctx)
return nil, nil
func (r *Credentials) matchAssign(assign *ast.AssignStmt, ctx *gas.Context) (*gas.Issue, error) {
for _, i := range assign.Lhs {
if ident, ok := i.(*ast.Ident); ok {
if r.pattern.MatchString(ident.Name) {
for _, e := range assign.Rhs {
if val, err := gas.GetString(e); err == nil {
if r.ignoreEntropy || (!r.ignoreEntropy && r.isHighEntropyString(val)) {
return gas.NewIssue(ctx, assign, r.What, r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
return nil, nil
func (r *Credentials) matchGenDecl(decl *ast.GenDecl, ctx *gas.Context) (*gas.Issue, error) {
if decl.Tok != token.CONST && decl.Tok != token.VAR {
return nil, nil
for _, spec := range decl.Specs {
if valueSpec, ok := spec.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok {
for index, ident := range valueSpec.Names {
if r.pattern.MatchString(ident.Name) && valueSpec.Values != nil {
// const foo, bar = "same value"
if len(valueSpec.Values) <= index {
index = len(valueSpec.Values) - 1
if rhs, ok := valueSpec.Values[index].(*ast.BasicLit); ok && rhs.Kind == token.STRING {
return gas.NewIssue(ctx, valueSpec, r.What, r.Severity, r.Confidence), nil
return nil, nil
func NewHardcodedCredentials(conf map[string]interface{}) (gas.Rule, []ast.Node) {
pattern := `(?i)passwd|pass|password|pwd|secret|token`
entropyThreshold := 80.0
perCharThreshold := 3.0
ignoreEntropy := false
var truncateString int64 = 16
if val, ok := conf["G101"]; ok {
conf := val.(map[string]string)
if configPattern, ok := conf["pattern"]; ok {
pattern = configPattern
if configIgnoreEntropy, ok := conf["ignore_entropy"]; ok {
if parsedBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(configIgnoreEntropy); err == nil {
ignoreEntropy = parsedBool
if configEntropyThreshold, ok := conf["entropy_threshold"]; ok {
if parsedNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(configEntropyThreshold, 64); err == nil {
entropyThreshold = parsedNum
if configCharThreshold, ok := conf["per_char_threshold"]; ok {
if parsedNum, err := strconv.ParseFloat(configCharThreshold, 64); err == nil {
perCharThreshold = parsedNum
if configTruncate, ok := conf["truncate"]; ok {
if parsedInt, err := strconv.ParseInt(configTruncate, 10, 64); err == nil {
truncateString = parsedInt
return &Credentials{
pattern: regexp.MustCompile(pattern),
entropyThreshold: entropyThreshold,
perCharThreshold: perCharThreshold,
ignoreEntropy: ignoreEntropy,
truncate: truncateString,
MetaData: gas.MetaData{
What: "Potential hardcoded credentials",
Confidence: gas.Low,
Severity: gas.High,
}, []ast.Node{(*ast.AssignStmt)(nil), (*ast.GenDecl)(nil)}