Cosmin Cojocar c0680bb6a3 Process the code snippet before adding it to the SARIF report
Preprocess the code snippet from the issue in order to extract only the line(s)
of code where the issue is located.  In addition remove the line numbers and whitespaces
before writing the code snippet into the SARIF report.
2022-02-09 16:19:40 +01:00

114 lines
3.8 KiB

package sarif_test
import (
. "github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2"
. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
var _ = Describe("Sarif Formatter", func() {
BeforeEach(func() {
Context("when converting to Sarif issues", func() {
It("sarif formatted report should contain the result", func() {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
reportInfo := gosec.NewReportInfo([]*gosec.Issue{}, &gosec.Metrics{}, map[string][]gosec.Error{}).WithVersion("v2.7.0")
err := sarif.WriteReport(buf, reportInfo, []string{})
result := buf.String()
Expect(result).To(ContainSubstring("\"results\": ["))
It("sarif formatted report should contain the suppressed results", func() {
ruleID := "G101"
cwe := gosec.GetCweByRule(ruleID)
suppressedIssue := gosec.Issue{
File: "/home/src/project/test.go",
Line: "1",
Col: "1",
RuleID: ruleID,
What: "test",
Confidence: gosec.High,
Severity: gosec.High,
Code: "1: testcode",
Cwe: cwe,
Suppressions: []gosec.SuppressionInfo{
Kind: "kind",
Justification: "justification",
reportInfo := gosec.NewReportInfo([]*gosec.Issue{&suppressedIssue}, &gosec.Metrics{}, map[string][]gosec.Error{}).WithVersion("v2.7.0")
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
err := sarif.WriteReport(buf, reportInfo, []string{})
result := buf.String()
hasResults, _ := regexp.MatchString(`"results": \[(\s*){`, result)
hasSuppressions, _ := regexp.MatchString(`"suppressions": \[(\s*){`, result)
It("sarif formatted report should contain the formatted one line code snippet", func() {
ruleID := "G101"
cwe := gosec.GetCweByRule(ruleID)
code := "68: \t\t}\n69: \t\tvar data = template.HTML(v.TmplFile)\n70: \t\tisTmpl := true\n"
expectedCode := "var data = template.HTML(v.TmplFile)"
issue := gosec.Issue{
File: "/home/src/project/test.go",
Line: "69",
Col: "14",
RuleID: ruleID,
What: "test",
Confidence: gosec.High,
Severity: gosec.High,
Code: code,
Cwe: cwe,
Suppressions: []gosec.SuppressionInfo{
Kind: "kind",
Justification: "justification",
reportInfo := gosec.NewReportInfo([]*gosec.Issue{&issue}, &gosec.Metrics{}, map[string][]gosec.Error{}).WithVersion("v2.7.0")
sarifReport, err := sarif.GenerateReport([]string{}, reportInfo)
It("sarif formatted report should contain the formatted multiple line code snippet", func() {
ruleID := "G101"
cwe := gosec.GetCweByRule(ruleID)
code := "68: }\n69: var data = template.HTML(v.TmplFile)\n70: isTmpl := true\n"
expectedCode := "var data = template.HTML(v.TmplFile)\nisTmpl := true\n"
issue := gosec.Issue{
File: "/home/src/project/test.go",
Line: "69-70",
Col: "14",
RuleID: ruleID,
What: "test",
Confidence: gosec.High,
Severity: gosec.High,
Code: code,
Cwe: cwe,
Suppressions: []gosec.SuppressionInfo{
Kind: "kind",
Justification: "justification",
reportInfo := gosec.NewReportInfo([]*gosec.Issue{&issue}, &gosec.Metrics{}, map[string][]gosec.Error{}).WithVersion("v2.7.0")
sarifReport, err := sarif.GenerateReport([]string{}, reportInfo)