GIT_TAG?= $(shell git describe --always --tags) BIN = gosec FMT_CMD = $(gofmt -s -l -w $(find . -type f -name '*.go' -not -path './vendor/*') | tee /dev/stderr) IMAGE_REPO = securego BUILD_DATE ?= $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d) BUILDFLAGS := "-w -s -X 'main.Version=$(GIT_TAG)' -X 'main.GitTag=$(GIT_TAG)' -X 'main.BuildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)'" CGO_ENABLED = 0 GO := GO111MODULE=on go GO_NOMOD :=GO111MODULE=off go GOPATH ?= $(shell $(GO) env GOPATH) GOBIN ?= $(GOPATH)/bin GOLINT ?= $(GOBIN)/golint GOSEC ?= $(GOBIN)/gosec GINKGO ?= $(GOBIN)/ginkgo GO_MINOR_VERSION = $(shell $(GO) version | cut -c 14- | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'.' -f2) GOVULN_MIN_VERSION = 17 GO_VERSION = 1.18 default: $(MAKE) build install-test-deps: go install $(GO_NOMOD) get -u $(GO_NOMOD) get -u install-govulncheck: go install test: install-test-deps build fmt lint sec govulncheck $(GINKGO) -v --fail-fast fmt: @echo "FORMATTING" @FORMATTED=`$(GO) fmt ./...` @([ ! -z "$(FORMATTED)" ] && printf "Fixed unformatted files:\n$(FORMATTED)") || true lint: @echo "LINTING: golint" $(GO_NOMOD) get -u $(GOLINT) -set_exit_status ./... @echo "VETTING" $(GO) vet ./... golangci: @echo "LINTING: golangci-lint" golangci-lint run sec: @echo "SECURITY SCANNING" ./$(BIN) ./... govulncheck: install-govulncheck @echo "CHECKING VULNERABILITIES" @if [ $(GO_MINOR_VERSION) -gt $(GOVULN_MIN_VERSION) ]; then \ govulncheck ./...; \ fi test-coverage: install-test-deps go test -race -v -count=1 -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... build: go build -o $(BIN) ./cmd/gosec/ clean: rm -rf build vendor dist coverage.txt rm -f release image $(BIN) release: @echo "Releasing the gosec binary..." goreleaser release build-linux: CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags=$(BUILDFLAGS) -o $(BIN) ./cmd/gosec/ image: @echo "Building the Docker image..." docker build -t $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) --build-arg GO_VERSION=$(GO_VERSION) . docker tag $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):latest touch image image-push: image @echo "Pushing the Docker image..." docker push $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):$(GIT_TAG) docker push $(IMAGE_REPO)/$(BIN):latest .PHONY: test build clean release image image-push