package testutils

import ""

// SampleCodeG203 - Template checks
var SampleCodeG203 = []CodeSample{
// We assume that hardcoded template strings are safe as the programmer would
// need to be explicitly shooting themselves in the foot (as below)
package main

import (

const tmpl = ""

func main() {
	t := template.Must(template.New("ex").Parse(tmpl))
	v := map[string]interface{}{
		"Title":    "Test <b>World</b>",
		"Body":     template.HTML("<script>alert(1)</script>"),
	t.Execute(os.Stdout, v)
`}, 0, gosec.NewConfig()},
// Using a variable to initialize could potentially be dangerous. Under the
// current model this will likely produce some false positives.
package main

import (

const tmpl = ""

func main() {
	a := "something from another place"
	t := template.Must(template.New("ex").Parse(tmpl))
	v := map[string]interface{}{
		"Title":    "Test <b>World</b>",
		"Body":     template.HTML(a),
	t.Execute(os.Stdout, v)
`}, 1, gosec.NewConfig()},
package main

import (

const tmpl = ""

func main() {
	a := "something from another place"
	t := template.Must(template.New("ex").Parse(tmpl))
	v := map[string]interface{}{
		"Title":    "Test <b>World</b>",
		"Body":     template.JS(a),
	t.Execute(os.Stdout, v)
`}, 1, gosec.NewConfig()},
package main

import (

const tmpl = ""

func main() {
	a := "something from another place"
	t := template.Must(template.New("ex").Parse(tmpl))
	v := map[string]interface{}{
		"Title":    "Test <b>World</b>",
		"Body":     template.URL(a),
	t.Execute(os.Stdout, v)
`}, 1, gosec.NewConfig()},