- __unsafe__- Detects use of the unsafe pointer functions.
- __bind__- Listening on all network interfaces.
- __rsa__- Warns for RSA keys that are less than 2048 bits.
- __tls_good__ - Checks to ensure ciphers and protocol versions are
explicitly enabled to meet the [modern compatibility](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Modern_compatibility) standards recommended by Mozilla.
- __tls_ok__ - Checks to ensure ciphers and protocol versions are
explicitly enabled to meet the [intermediate compatibility]( https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Intermediate_compatibility_.28default.29) standards recommended by Mozilla.
- __tls_old__ - Checks to ensure ciphers and protocol versions are
explicitly enabled to meet the [older compatibility](https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Old_compatibility_.28default.29) standards recommended by Mozilla.
- __templates__ - Detect cases where input is not escaped when entered into Go HTML templates.
As with all automated detection tools there will be cases of false positives. In cases where Gas reports a failure that has been manually verified as being safe it is possible to annotate the code with a '#nosec' comment.