import * as cache from "@actions/cache"; import * as core from "@actions/core"; import { Events, Inputs, State, Variables } from "./constants"; import * as utils from "./utils/actionUtils"; async function run(): Promise { try { if (!utils.isCacheFeatureAvailable()) { utils.setCacheHitOutput(false); return; } // Validate inputs, this can cause task failure if (!utils.isValidEvent()) { utils.logWarning( `Event Validation Error: The event type ${ process.env[Events.Key] } is not supported because it's not tied to a branch or tag ref.` ); return; } const primaryKey = core.getInput(Inputs.Key, { required: true }); core.saveState(State.CachePrimaryKey, primaryKey); const restoreKeys = utils.getInputAsArray(Inputs.RestoreKeys); const cachePaths = utils.getInputAsArray(Inputs.Path, { required: true }); const cacheKey = await cache.restoreCache( cachePaths, primaryKey, restoreKeys ); //Check if user wants to save cache despite of failure in any previous job const saveCache = core.getInput(Inputs.SaveOnAnyFailure); if (saveCache === "yes") { core.debug(`save cache input variable is set to yes`); core.exportVariable(Variables.SaveCacheOnAnyFailure, saveCache); `Input Variable ${Variables.SaveCacheOnAnyFailure} is set to yes, the cache will be saved despite of any failure in the build.` ); } if (!cacheKey) { if (core.getInput(Inputs.StrictRestore) == "yes") { throw new Error( `Cache with the given input key ${primaryKey} is not found, hence exiting the workflow as the strict-restore requirement is not met.` ); } `Cache not found for input keys: ${[ primaryKey, ...restoreKeys ].join(", ")}` ); return; } // Store the matched cache key utils.setCacheState(cacheKey); const isExactKeyMatch = utils.isExactKeyMatch(primaryKey, cacheKey); utils.setCacheHitOutput(isExactKeyMatch); if (!isExactKeyMatch && core.getInput(Inputs.StrictRestore) == "yes") { throw new Error( `Restored cache key doesn't match the given input key ${primaryKey}, hence exiting the workflow as the strict-restore requirement is not met.` ); }`Cache restored from key: ${cacheKey}`); } catch (error: unknown) { core.setFailed((error as Error).message); } } run(); export default run;