post('', [ 'client_id' => settings('contabo::client_id'), 'client_secret' => settings('encrypted::contabo::client_secret'), 'username' => settings('contabo::username'), 'password' => settings('encrypted::contabo::user_password'), 'grant_type' => 'password', ]); if($authenticate->failed()) { if($authenticate->unauthorized() OR $authenticate->forbidden()) { throw new \Exception("[Contabo] This action is unauthorized! Confirm that the config is setup correctly"); } // dd($authenticate); if($authenticate->serverError()) { throw new \Exception("[Contabo] Internal Server Error: {$authenticate->status()}"); } throw new \Exception("[Contabo] Failed to connect to the API! Confirm that the config is setup correctly"); } if(!isset($authenticate['access_token'])) { throw new \Exception("[Contabo] Access token was not returned from the Contabo API."); } $accessToken = $authenticate['access_token']; $response = Http::withHeaders([ 'Authorization' => 'Bearer ' . $accessToken, 'x-request-id' => (string) Str::uuid(), ])->$method("{$endpoint}", $data); if($response->failed()) { if($response->unauthorized() OR $response->forbidden()) { throw new \Exception("[Contabo] This action is unauthorized! Confirm that the config is setup correctly"); } // dd($response); if($response->serverError()) { throw new \Exception("[Contabo] Internal Server Error: {$response->status()}"); } throw new \Exception("[Contabo] Failed to connect to the API! Confirm that the config is setup correctly"); } return $response; } /** * Get the available images as a Laravel collection */ public function getImages() { return $this->api('get', '/compute/images', [ 'size' => 100, ])->collect(); } /** * List all available servers */ public function getServers() { return $this->api('get', '/compute/instances', [ 'size' => 100, ])->collect(); } /** * Create a new server */ public function createServer($data) { return $this->api('post', "/compute/instances", [ 'displayName' => $data['display_name'], 'imageId' => $data['image'], 'productId' => $data['product'], 'region' => $data['region'], 'period' => $data['period'], ])->collect(); } /** * Get a server from ID */ public function getServer($serverID) { return $this->api('get', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}")->collect(); } /** * Get a server servers logs from ID */ public function getServerLogs($serverID) { return $this->api('get', "/compute/instances/actions/audits", [ 'instanceId' => $serverID, ])->collect(); } /** * cancel a server from ID */ public function cancelServer($serverID): void { try { $this->api('post', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}/cancel")->collect(); } catch (\Exception $e) { ErrorLog("contabo::cancel::server::{$serverID}", $e->getMessage(), 'CRITICAL'); } } /** * start a server from ID */ public function startServer($serverID) { return $this->api('post', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}/actions/start")->collect(); } /** * stop a server from ID */ public function stopServer($serverID) { return $this->api('post', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}/actions/stop")->collect(); } /** * shutdown a server from ID */ public function shutdownServer($serverID) { return $this->api('post', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}/actions/shutdown")->collect(); } /** * enable rescue mode for a server from ID */ public function enableRescueMode($serverID) { return $this->api('post', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}/actions/rescue")->collect(); } /** * reset password for a server from ID */ public function resetPassword($serverID, $password) { return $this->api('post', "/compute/instances/{$serverID}/actions/resetPassword", [ 'rootPassword' => $password, ])->collect(); } }