import * as nf from 'node-fetch'; import * as fd from 'formdata-node'; import KeepAliveAgent from 'agentkeepalive'; import { AbortController as AbortControllerPolyfill } from 'abort-controller'; import { ReadStream as FsReadStream } from 'node:fs'; import { FormDataEncoder } from 'form-data-encoder'; import { Readable } from 'node:stream'; import { MultipartBody } from "./MultipartBody.mjs"; import { ReadableStream } from 'web-streams-polyfill/dist/ponyfill.es2018.js'; let fileFromPathWarned = false; async function fileFromPath(path, ...args) { // this import fails in environments that don't handle export maps correctly, like old versions of Jest const { fileFromPath: _fileFromPath } = await import('formdata-node/file-from-path'); if (!fileFromPathWarned) { console.warn(`fileFromPath is deprecated; use fs.createReadStream(${JSON.stringify(path)}) instead`); fileFromPathWarned = true; } // @ts-ignore return await _fileFromPath(path, ...args); } const defaultHttpAgent = new KeepAliveAgent({ keepAlive: true, timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000 }); const defaultHttpsAgent = new KeepAliveAgent.HttpsAgent({ keepAlive: true, timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000 }); async function getMultipartRequestOptions(form, opts) { const encoder = new FormDataEncoder(form); const readable = Readable.from(encoder); const body = new MultipartBody(readable); const headers = { ...opts.headers, ...encoder.headers, 'Content-Length': encoder.contentLength, }; return { ...opts, body: body, headers }; } export function getRuntime() { // Polyfill global object if needed. if (typeof AbortController === 'undefined') { // @ts-expect-error (the types are subtly different, but compatible in practice) globalThis.AbortController = AbortControllerPolyfill; } return { kind: 'node', fetch: nf.default, Request: nf.Request, Response: nf.Response, Headers: nf.Headers, FormData: fd.FormData, Blob: fd.Blob, File: fd.File, ReadableStream, getMultipartRequestOptions, getDefaultAgent: (url) => (url.startsWith('https') ? defaultHttpsAgent : defaultHttpAgent), fileFromPath, isFsReadStream: (value) => value instanceof FsReadStream, }; } //#