generated from ShadowVR/AI_botter
286 lines
8.2 KiB
286 lines
8.2 KiB
# ⏳ tiktoken
tiktoken is a [BPE]( tokeniser for use with
OpenAI's models, forked from the original tiktoken library to provide NPM bindings for Node and other JS runtimes.
The open source version of `tiktoken` can be installed from NPM:
npm install @dqbd/tiktoken
## Usage
Basic usage follows, which includes all the OpenAI encoders and ranks:
import assert from "node:assert";
import { get_encoding, encoding_for_model } from "@dqbd/tiktoken";
const enc = get_encoding("gpt2");
new TextDecoder().decode(enc.decode(enc.encode("hello world"))) ===
"hello world"
// To get the tokeniser corresponding to a specific model in the OpenAI API:
const enc = encoding_for_model("text-davinci-003");
// Extend existing encoding with custom special tokens
const enc = encoding_for_model("gpt2", {
"<|im_start|>": 100264,
"<|im_end|>": 100265,
// don't forget to free the encoder after it is not used
In constrained environments (eg. Edge Runtime, Cloudflare Workers), where you don't want to load all the encoders at once, you can use the lightweight WASM binary via `@dqbd/tiktoken/lite`.
const { Tiktoken } = require("@dqbd/tiktoken/lite");
const cl100k_base = require("@dqbd/tiktoken/encoders/cl100k_base.json");
const encoding = new Tiktoken(
const tokens = encoding.encode("hello world");
If you want to fetch the latest ranks, use the `load` function:
const { Tiktoken } = require("@dqbd/tiktoken/lite");
const { load } = require("@dqbd/tiktoken/load");
const registry = require("@dqbd/tiktoken/registry.json");
const models = require("@dqbd/tiktoken/model_to_encoding.json");
async function main() {
const model = await load(registry[models["gpt-3.5-turbo"]]);
const encoder = new Tiktoken(
const tokens = encoding.encode("hello world");
If desired, you can create a Tiktoken instance directly with custom ranks, special tokens and regex pattern:
import { Tiktoken } from "../pkg";
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
const encoder = new Tiktoken(
{ "<|endoftext|>": 50256, "<|im_start|>": 100264, "<|im_end|>": 100265 },
"'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d| ?\\p{L}+| ?\\p{N}+| ?[^\\s\\p{L}\\p{N}]+|\\s+(?!\\S)|\\s+"
Finally, you can a custom `init` function to override the WASM initialization logic for non-Node environments. This is useful if you are using a bundler that does not support WASM ESM integration.
import { get_encoding, init } from "@dqbd/tiktoken/init";
async function main() {
const wasm = "..."; // fetch the WASM binary somehow
await init((imports) => WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm, imports));
const encoding = get_encoding("cl100k_base");
const tokens = encoding.encode("hello world");
## Compatibility
As this is a WASM library, there might be some issues with specific runtimes. If you encounter any issues, please open an issue.
| Runtime | Status | Notes |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------ |
| Node.js | ✅ | |
| Bun | ✅ | |
| Vite | ✅ | See [here](#vite) for notes |
| Next.js | ✅ | See [here](#nextjs) for notes |
| Create React App (via Craco) | ✅ | See [here](#create-react-app) for notes |
| Vercel Edge Runtime | ✅ | See [here](#vercel-edge-runtime) for notes |
| Cloudflare Workers | ✅ | See [here](#cloudflare-workers) for notes |
| Deno | ❌ | Currently unsupported |
### [Vite](#vite)
If you are using Vite, you will need to add both the `vite-plugin-wasm` and `vite-plugin-top-level-await`. Add the following to your `vite.config.js`:
import wasm from "vite-plugin-wasm";
import topLevelAwait from "vite-plugin-top-level-await";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [wasm(), topLevelAwait()],
### [Next.js](#nextjs)
Both API routes and `/pages` are supported with the following `next.config.js` configuration.
// next.config.json
const config = {
webpack(config, { isServer, dev }) {
config.experiments = {
asyncWebAssembly: true,
layers: true,
return config;
Usage in pages:
import { get_encoding } from "@dqbd/tiktoken";
import { useState } from "react";
const encoding = get_encoding("cl100k_base");
export default function Home() {
const [input, setInput] = useState("hello world");
const tokens = encoding.encode(input);
return (
onChange={(e) => setInput(}
Usage in API routes:
import { get_encoding } from "@dqbd/tiktoken";
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next";
export default function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
const encoding = get_encoding("cl100k_base");
const tokens = encoding.encode("hello world");
return res.status(200).json({ tokens });
### [Create React App](#create-react-app)
By default, the Webpack configugration found in Create React App does not support WASM ESM modules. To add support, please do the following:
1. Swap `react-scripts` with `craco`, using the guide found here:
2. Add the following to `craco.config.js`:
module.exports = {
webpack: {
configure: (config) => {
config.experiments = {
asyncWebAssembly: true,
layers: true,
// turn off static file serving of WASM files
// we need to let Webpack handle WASM import
.find((i) => "oneOf" in i)
.oneOf.find((i) => i.type === "asset/resource")
return config;
### [Vercel Edge Runtime](#vercel-edge-runtime)
Vercel Edge Runtime does support WASM modules by adding a `?module` suffix. Initialize the encoder with the following snippet:
// @ts-expect-error
import wasm from "@dqbd/tiktoken/lite/tiktoken_bg.wasm?module";
import model from "@dqbd/tiktoken/encoders/cl100k_base.json";
import { init, Tiktoken } from "@dqbd/tiktoken/lite/init";
export const config = { runtime: "edge" };
export default async function (req: Request) {
await init((imports) => WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm, imports));
const encoding = new Tiktoken(
const tokens = encoding.encode("hello world");
return new Response(`${tokens}`);
### [Cloudflare Workers](#cloudflare-workers)
Similar to Vercel Edge Runtime, Cloudflare Workers must import the WASM binary file manually and use the `@dqbd/tiktoken/lite` version to fit the 1 MB limit. However, users need to point directly at the WASM binary via a relative path (including `./node_modules/`).
Add the following rule to the `wrangler.toml` to upload WASM during build:
globs = ["**/*.wasm"]
type = "CompiledWasm"
Initialize the encoder with the following snippet:
import { init, Tiktoken } from "@dqbd/tiktoken/lite/init";
import wasm from "./node_modules/@dqbd/tiktoken/lite/tiktoken_bg.wasm";
import model from "@dqbd/tiktoken/encoders/cl100k_base.json";
export default {
async fetch() {
await init((imports) => WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm, imports));
const encoder = new Tiktoken(
const tokens = encoder.encode("test");
return new Response(`${tokens}`);
## Acknowledgements