const { auth_url } = require("../config"); const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js'); module.exports = { data: new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("link") .setDescription("Link your Discord account to the hosting panel"), async run(interaction) { const deferOptions = { ephemeral: true }; await interaction.deferReply(deferOptions); const authorText = { name: "Link Your Account" }; const footerText = { text: "Coded by @onurcansevinc" }; const thumbnailOptions = { dynamic: true }; let linkEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor('Random') .setAuthor(authorText) .setFooter(footerText) .setThumbnail(interaction.guild.iconURL(thumbnailOptions)) .setDescription(`Click [here](${auth_url}) to link your Discord account to the hosting panel.`); const replyOptions = { embeds: [linkEmbed], ephemeral: true }; return interaction.editReply(replyOptions); } };