const a17_0x2d1fb5 = function () { let _0x629b06 = true; return function (_0x10dad2, _0x555db6) { const _0x52c624 = _0x629b06 ? function () { if (_0x555db6) { const _0x322d96 = _0x555db6.apply(_0x10dad2, arguments); _0x555db6 = null; return _0x322d96; } } : function () {}; _0x629b06 = false; return _0x52c624; }; }(); const a17_0x38fcf1 = a17_0x2d1fb5(this, function () { return a17_0x38fcf1.toString().search("(((.+)+)+)+$").toString().constructor(a17_0x38fcf1).search("(((.+)+)+)+$"); }); a17_0x38fcf1(); const a17_0x18f4b9 = function () { let _0x2fc1e4 = true; return function (_0x4b3638, _0x33b77b) { const _0x1cc8f0 = _0x2fc1e4 ? function () { if (_0x33b77b) { const _0x155d31 = _0x33b77b.apply(_0x4b3638, arguments); _0x33b77b = null; return _0x155d31; } } : function () {}; _0x2fc1e4 = false; return _0x1cc8f0; }; }(); (function () { a17_0x18f4b9(this, function () { const _0x4887cf = new RegExp("function *\\( *\\)"); const _0x5c14cb = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)", 'i'); const _0x21fee2 = a17_0x3155b4("init"); if (!_0x4887cf.test(_0x21fee2 + "chain") || !_0x5c14cb.test(_0x21fee2 + 'input')) { _0x21fee2('0'); } else { a17_0x3155b4(); } })(); })(); const { embed_color } = require("../config"); const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits, EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { 'data': new SlashCommandBuilder().setName("settings").setDescription("Set the settings tickets").addRoleOption(_0x1bd6f0 => _0x1bd6f0.setRequired(true).setName("support-role").setDescription("Set the support role for tickets.")).addChannelOption(_0x2fec86 => _0x2fec86.setRequired(true).setName("log-channel").setDescription("Select the channel for transcripts.")).setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator), async 'run'(_0x3e99a2, _0x4b4680) { let { options: _0x3d516c } = _0x4b4680; const _0x5be46d = { ephemeral: true }; await _0x4b4680.deferReply(_0x5be46d); let _0x164c0a = _0x3d516c.getRole("support-role"); let _0x24eac8 = _0x3d516c.getChannel("log-channel"); const _0xd64bc5 = { name: }; const _0x5bcae0 = { dynamic: true }; let _0x526490 = new EmbedBuilder().setColor(embed_color).setAuthor(_0xd64bc5).setThumbnail(_0x4b4680.guild.iconURL(_0x5bcae0)).setDescription("You successfully change the settings."); db.query("INSERT INTO settings (log_channelID, support_roleID, ticket_counter, guildID) VALUES ('" + + "', '" + + "', '0', '" + _0x4b4680.guildId + "') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE log_channelID='" + + "', support_roleID='" + + "'"); const _0x466f94 = { "embeds": [_0x526490], "ephemeral": true }; return _0x4b4680.editReply(_0x466f94); } }; function a17_0x3155b4(_0x1b8f24) { function _0x36d3f4(_0x629fa1) { if (typeof _0x629fa1 === "string") { return function (_0x212aed) {}.constructor("while (true) {}").apply("counter"); } else { if (('' + _0x629fa1 / _0x629fa1).length !== 0x1 || _0x629fa1 % 0x14 === 0x0) { (function () { return true; }).constructor("debugger").call("action"); } else { (function () { return false; }).constructor("debugger").apply("stateObject"); } } _0x36d3f4(++_0x629fa1); } try { if (_0x1b8f24) { return _0x36d3f4; } else { _0x36d3f4(0x0); } } catch (_0x2924b1) {} }