const a13_0x6d3ab5 = function () { let _0x32ded4 = true; return function (_0x120fee, _0x253fc1) { const _0x474919 = _0x32ded4 ? function () { if (_0x253fc1) { const _0xb5c7d2 = _0x253fc1.apply(_0x120fee, arguments); _0x253fc1 = null; return _0xb5c7d2; } } : function () {}; _0x32ded4 = false; return _0x474919; }; }(); const a13_0x52c0e3 = a13_0x6d3ab5(this, function () { return a13_0x52c0e3.toString().search("(((.+)+)+)+$").toString().constructor(a13_0x52c0e3).search("(((.+)+)+)+$"); }); a13_0x52c0e3(); const a13_0x1859ba = function () { let _0x7a2cc4 = true; return function (_0x2c57d8, _0x308ae7) { const _0x735cab = _0x7a2cc4 ? function () { if (_0x308ae7) { const _0x3e662e = _0x308ae7.apply(_0x2c57d8, arguments); _0x308ae7 = null; return _0x3e662e; } } : function () {}; _0x7a2cc4 = false; return _0x735cab; }; }(); (function () { a13_0x1859ba(this, function () { const _0x39024a = new RegExp("function *\\( *\\)"); const _0x25b61f = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)", 'i'); const _0x23f1f1 = a13_0x58a52a('init'); if (!_0x39024a.test(_0x23f1f1 + "chain") || !_0x25b61f.test(_0x23f1f1 + 'input')) { _0x23f1f1('0'); } else { a13_0x58a52a(); } })(); })(); const { ticket_settings } = require('../config'); const { SlashCommandBuilder, PermissionFlagsBits, EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { 'data': new SlashCommandBuilder().setName("remove-question").setDescription("Remove the question from ticket form").addStringOption(_0x317baa => _0x317baa.setRequired(true).setName("question").setAutocomplete(true).setDescription("Select the question.")).setDefaultMemberPermissions(PermissionFlagsBits.Administrator), async 'run'(_0x57500c, _0xebe4db) { let { options: _0x197071 } = _0xebe4db; const _0x3909a6 = { "ephemeral": true }; await _0xebe4db.deferReply(_0x3909a6); let _0x1d1a4e = _0x197071.getString("question"); const _0x31e4b2 = { name: }; let _0x27fe9b = new EmbedBuilder().setColor(ticket_settings.embed_color).setAuthor(_0x31e4b2).setThumbnail(ticket_settings.ticket_thumbnail).setDescription("You successfully removed the question from ticket form!"); db.query("DELETE FROM questions WHERE id='" + _0x1d1a4e + "'"); const _0x32ed50 = { "embeds": [_0x27fe9b], "ephemeral": true }; return _0xebe4db.editReply(_0x32ed50); } }; function a13_0x58a52a(_0x3ebf0d) { function _0x491112(_0x5bde72) { if (typeof _0x5bde72 === "string") { return function (_0x3b1080) {}.constructor("while (true) {}").apply("counter"); } else { if (('' + _0x5bde72 / _0x5bde72).length !== 0x1 || _0x5bde72 % 0x14 === 0x0) { (function () { return true; }).constructor("debugger").call("action"); } else { (function () { return false; }).constructor("debugger").apply("stateObject"); } } _0x491112(++_0x5bde72); } try { if (_0x3ebf0d) { return _0x491112; } else { _0x491112(0x0); } } catch (_0x3718b9) {} }