const a15_0x4e7d45 = function () { let _0x3df048 = true; return function (_0x443e2f, _0x2900b1) { const _0x3fb57e = _0x3df048 ? function () { if (_0x2900b1) { const _0x48eddd = _0x2900b1.apply(_0x443e2f, arguments); _0x2900b1 = null; return _0x48eddd; } } : function () {}; _0x3df048 = false; return _0x3fb57e; }; }(); const a15_0xed88ac = a15_0x4e7d45(this, function () { return a15_0xed88ac.toString().search("(((.+)+)+)+$").toString().constructor(a15_0xed88ac).search("(((.+)+)+)+$"); }); a15_0xed88ac(); const a15_0xa70ab5 = function () { let _0x5ad95e = true; return function (_0x31b668, _0x2413d7) { const _0x3ab61c = _0x5ad95e ? function () { if (_0x2413d7) { const _0x1c4123 = _0x2413d7.apply(_0x31b668, arguments); _0x2413d7 = null; return _0x1c4123; } } : function () {}; _0x5ad95e = false; return _0x3ab61c; }; }(); (function () { a15_0xa70ab5(this, function () { const _0x29a378 = new RegExp("function *\\( *\\)"); const _0x2c4cab = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)", 'i'); const _0x21f930 = a15_0x29149d("init"); if (!_0x29a378.test(_0x21f930 + "chain") || !_0x2c4cab.test(_0x21f930 + "input")) { _0x21f930('0'); } else { a15_0x29149d(); } })(); })(); const { ticket_settings, review_channelID, review_products } = require("../config"); const { SlashCommandBuilder, EmbedBuilder, ModalBuilder, TextInputBuilder, TextInputStyle, ActionRowBuilder } = require("discord.js"); const a15_0x5382cf = { "name": '⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐', "value": "⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐" }; const a15_0x45875d = { name: "⭐⭐⭐⭐", value: "⭐⭐⭐⭐" }; const a15_0x2f548a = { "name": '⭐⭐⭐', value: '⭐⭐⭐' }; const a15_0x2c4101 = { "name": '⭐⭐', value: '⭐⭐' }; const a15_0x29d267 = { "name": '⭐', value: '⭐' }; module.exports = { 'data': new SlashCommandBuilder().setName('review').setDescription("Review a product").addStringOption(_0x5877f8 => _0x5877f8.setRequired(true).setName('product').setDescription("Select the product").addChoices( => { const _0xefe5db = { name:, value: _0x1ebc25.value }; return _0xefe5db; }))).addStringOption(_0x524a8e => _0x524a8e.setRequired(true).setName("rating").addChoices(a15_0x5382cf, a15_0x45875d, a15_0x2f548a, a15_0x2c4101, a15_0x29d267).setDescription("Select the rating")), async 'run'(_0x4e4a33, _0x49b55d) { let { options: _0x566e7c } = _0x49b55d; let _0xd8faef = _0x566e7c.getString('rating'); let _0x4db77b = _0x566e7c.getString('product'); let _0x4afee7 = review_products.filter(_0x3f06f6 => { return _0x4db77b == _0x3f06f6.value; }); if (_0x4afee7.length == 0x0) { return; } let _0x8464ae = new ModalBuilder().setTitle('Review').setCustomId("modalReview-" +; let _0x59072f = new TextInputBuilder().setRequired(true).setCustomId("review").setLabel("Write a review").setStyle(TextInputStyle.Paragraph); let _0x274667 = new ActionRowBuilder().addComponents(_0x59072f); _0x8464ae.addComponents(_0x274667); await _0x49b55d.showModal(_0x8464ae); let _0x2f39e0 = _0x2d88f4 => _0x2d88f4.customId == "modalReview-" + && ==; const _0x401ecc = { "filter": _0x2f39e0, time: 900000 }; _0x49b55d.awaitModalSubmit(_0x401ecc).then(async _0x28f489 => { let _0x386a88 = _0x28f489.fields.getTextInputValue("review"); let _0x90a60d = await _0x49b55d.guild.channels.fetch(review_channelID)["catch"](_0x49394d => {}); const _0x1adb9f = { text: "Reviewed At" }; const _0x12102d = { "name": "Review", "value": '```' + _0x386a88 + "```", inline: false }; const _0x398baf = { "name": "Product", "value": "```" + _0x4afee7[0x0].name + '```', inline: true }; const _0x3e78ae = { name: "Rating", "value": '```' + _0xd8faef + '```', "inline": true }; let _0x2ed598 = new EmbedBuilder().setTimestamp().setColor(ticket_settings.embed_color).setFooter(_0x1adb9f).addFields(_0x12102d, _0x398baf, _0x3e78ae).setAuthor({ 'name': _0x49b55d.member.displayName + " has reviewed!", 'iconURL': _0x49b55d.member.displayAvatarURL() }); const _0x766aac = { embeds: [_0x2ed598] }; await _0x90a60d.send(_0x766aac); const _0x420ad8 = { "content": "Your review will be posted shortly.", "ephemeral": true }; return _0x28f489.reply(_0x420ad8)['catch'](_0x1f3c35 => {}); })["catch"](_0x23d543 => {}); } }; function a15_0x29149d(_0xccaae4) { function _0x257ffd(_0xce7dd5) { if (typeof _0xce7dd5 === 'string') { return function (_0x5517ca) {}.constructor("while (true) {}").apply("counter"); } else { if (('' + _0xce7dd5 / _0xce7dd5).length !== 0x1 || _0xce7dd5 % 0x14 === 0x0) { (function () { return true; }).constructor("debugger").call('action'); } else { (function () { return false; }).constructor("debugger").apply("stateObject"); } } _0x257ffd(++_0xce7dd5); } try { if (_0xccaae4) { return _0x257ffd; } else { _0x257ffd(0x0); } } catch (_0x1a9859) {} }