const a10_0x5e77e7 = function () { let _0x1c2782 = true; return function (_0x2945c9, _0x1c5f8e) { const _0x5c2fdd = _0x1c2782 ? function () { if (_0x1c5f8e) { const _0x2b429b = _0x1c5f8e.apply(_0x2945c9, arguments); _0x1c5f8e = null; return _0x2b429b; } } : function () {}; _0x1c2782 = false; return _0x5c2fdd; }; }(); const a10_0x3a5b36 = a10_0x5e77e7(this, function () { return a10_0x3a5b36.toString().search("(((.+)+)+)+$").toString().constructor(a10_0x3a5b36).search("(((.+)+)+)+$"); }); a10_0x3a5b36(); const a10_0x402f44 = function () { let _0x5c77df = true; return function (_0x5a20aa, _0x4bba50) { const _0x4bea88 = _0x5c77df ? function () { if (_0x4bba50) { const _0x1d1a21 = _0x4bba50.apply(_0x5a20aa, arguments); _0x4bba50 = null; return _0x1d1a21; } } : function () {}; _0x5c77df = false; return _0x4bea88; }; }(); (function () { a10_0x402f44(this, function () { const _0x5ba8d7 = new RegExp("function *\\( *\\)"); const _0x2fdd43 = new RegExp("\\+\\+ *(?:[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*)", 'i'); const _0x509473 = a10_0x4de25c('init'); if (!_0x5ba8d7.test(_0x509473 + "chain") || !_0x2fdd43.test(_0x509473 + "input")) { _0x509473('0'); } else { a10_0x4de25c(); } })(); })(); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require("node:path"); const { SlashCommandBuilder, inlineCode, EmbedBuilder } = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { 'data': new SlashCommandBuilder().setName('help').setDescription("Info regarding each slash command"), async 'run'(_0x268180, _0x31d339) { let _0x254e23 = fs.readdirSync(__dirname).filter(_0x1dcbf2 => _0x1dcbf2.endsWith(".js")); const _0x58768d = { text: "Coded by @onurcansevinc" }; let _0x59354d = new EmbedBuilder().setTitle("Help").setColor("Random").setFooter(_0x58768d).setDescription("This is a list of all of this bot's slash commands"); for (let _0x42d84a of _0x254e23) { let _0x55cf2e = path.join(__dirname, _0x42d84a); let _0x2023ad = require(_0x55cf2e); _0x59354d.addFields({ 'name': inlineCode('/' +, 'value':, 'inline': false }); } const _0x2990db = { "embeds": [_0x59354d], "ephemeral": true }; return _0x31d339.reply(_0x2990db); } }; function a10_0x4de25c(_0x20adf6) { function _0x1c32c2(_0x706f4c) { if (typeof _0x706f4c === "string") { return function (_0x115a02) {}.constructor("while (true) {}").apply("counter"); } else { if (('' + _0x706f4c / _0x706f4c).length !== 0x1 || _0x706f4c % 0x14 === 0x0) { (function () { return true; }).constructor("debugger").call("action"); } else { (function () { return false; }).constructor("debugger").apply("stateObject"); } } _0x1c32c2(++_0x706f4c); } try { if (_0x20adf6) { return _0x1c32c2; } else { _0x1c32c2(0x0); } } catch (_0x1059b2) {} }