const Discord = require('discord.js'); const openAI = require('openai'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const func = require('../../utils/functions'); const config = require('../../configs/config.json'); module.exports = { name: "Imagine", aliases: ['I', 'D', 'Draw'], description: "Draw your imaginations!", async execute(client, message, args, cmd) { await; if (!args[0]) { const embed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder() .setColor(config.ErrorColor) .setTitle('Error') .setDescription(`You can't use the \`${cmd}\` command like this you have to provide something like the example\n\`\`\`\n${config.Prefix}${cmd} A Dragon under water\n\`\`\``); await message.reply({ embeds: [embed] }); }; const openai = new openAI.OpenAI({ apiKey: config.OpenAIapiKey }); const question = args.join(" "); openai.images.generate({ prompt: question, n: 4, size: '1024x1024' }).then(async (response) => { const data =; const embeds = [ new Discord.EmbedBuilder() .setColor(config.MainColor) .setURL('') .setAuthor({ name: question.length > 256 ? question.substring(0, 253) + "..." : question, iconURL: }) .setImage(data[0].url) .setFooter({ text: `Costs ${func.pricing('dall.e', 4, '1024x1024')}`, iconURL: client.user.displayAvatarURL() }) ]; const buttons = [ new Discord.ButtonBuilder() .setStyle(Discord.ButtonStyle.Link) .setLabel('Image 1') .setURL(data[0].url) ]; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { const embed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder() .setURL('') .setImage(data[i + 1].url); const button = new Discord.ButtonBuilder() .setStyle(Discord.ButtonStyle.Link) .setLabel(`Image ${i + 2}`) .setURL(data[i + 1].url) embeds.push(embed); buttons.push(button); }; const row = new Discord.ActionRowBuilder() .addComponents(buttons); await message.reply({ embeds: embeds, components: [row] }); }).catch(async (error) => { console.error(chalk.bold.redBright(error)); if (error.response) { const embed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder() .setColor(config.ErrorColor) .setAuthor({ name: question.length > 256 ? question.substring(0, 253) + "..." : question, iconURL: }) .setDescription(error.response.error.message.length > 4096 ? error.response.error.message.substring(0, 4093) + "..." : error.response.error.message); await message.reply({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(() => null); } else if (error.message) { const embed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder() .setColor(config.ErrorColor) .setAuthor({ name: question.length > 256 ? question.substring(0, 253) + "..." : question, iconURL: }) .setDescription(error.message.length > 4096 ? error.message.substring(0, 4093) + "..." : error.message); await message.reply({ embeds: [embed] }).catch(() => null); }; }); }, };