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// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless.
import * as Core from './core';
import * as Pagination from './pagination';
import * as Errors from './error';
import { type Agent } from './_shims/index';
import * as Uploads from './uploads';
import * as API from "./resources/index";
export interface ClientOptions {
* Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY'].
apiKey?: string | undefined;
* Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_ORG_ID'].
organization?: string | null | undefined;
* Override the default base URL for the API, e.g., "https://api.example.com/v2/"
* Defaults to process.env['OPENAI_BASE_URL'].
baseURL?: string | null | undefined;
* The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that the client should wait for a response
* from the server before timing out a single request.
* Note that request timeouts are retried by default, so in a worst-case scenario you may wait
* much longer than this timeout before the promise succeeds or fails.
timeout?: number;
* An HTTP agent used to manage HTTP(S) connections.
* If not provided, an agent will be constructed by default in the Node.js environment,
* otherwise no agent is used.
httpAgent?: Agent;
* Specify a custom `fetch` function implementation.
* If not provided, we use `node-fetch` on Node.js and otherwise expect that `fetch` is
* defined globally.
fetch?: Core.Fetch | undefined;
* The maximum number of times that the client will retry a request in case of a
* temporary failure, like a network error or a 5XX error from the server.
* @default 2
maxRetries?: number;
* Default headers to include with every request to the API.
* These can be removed in individual requests by explicitly setting the
* header to `undefined` or `null` in request options.
defaultHeaders?: Core.Headers;
* Default query parameters to include with every request to the API.
* These can be removed in individual requests by explicitly setting the
* param to `undefined` in request options.
defaultQuery?: Core.DefaultQuery;
* By default, client-side use of this library is not allowed, as it risks exposing your secret API credentials to attackers.
* Only set this option to `true` if you understand the risks and have appropriate mitigations in place.
dangerouslyAllowBrowser?: boolean;
/** API Client for interfacing with the OpenAI API. */
export class OpenAI extends Core.APIClient {
apiKey: string;
organization: string | null;
private _options: ClientOptions;
* API Client for interfacing with the OpenAI API.
* @param {string | undefined} [opts.apiKey=process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY'] ?? undefined]
* @param {string | null | undefined} [opts.organization=process.env['OPENAI_ORG_ID'] ?? null]
* @param {string} [opts.baseURL=process.env['OPENAI_BASE_URL'] ?? https://api.openai.com/v1] - Override the default base URL for the API.
* @param {number} [opts.timeout=10 minutes] - The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) the client will wait for a response before timing out.
* @param {number} [opts.httpAgent] - An HTTP agent used to manage HTTP(s) connections.
* @param {Core.Fetch} [opts.fetch] - Specify a custom `fetch` function implementation.
* @param {number} [opts.maxRetries=2] - The maximum number of times the client will retry a request.
* @param {Core.Headers} opts.defaultHeaders - Default headers to include with every request to the API.
* @param {Core.DefaultQuery} opts.defaultQuery - Default query parameters to include with every request to the API.
* @param {boolean} [opts.dangerouslyAllowBrowser=false] - By default, client-side use of this library is not allowed, as it risks exposing your secret API credentials to attackers.
baseURL = Core.readEnv('OPENAI_BASE_URL'),
apiKey = Core.readEnv('OPENAI_API_KEY'),
organization = Core.readEnv('OPENAI_ORG_ID') ?? null,
}: ClientOptions = {}) {
if (apiKey === undefined) {
throw new Errors.OpenAIError(
"The OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is missing or empty; either provide it, or instantiate the OpenAI client with an apiKey option, like new OpenAI({ apiKey: 'My API Key' }).",
const options: ClientOptions = {
baseURL: baseURL || `https://api.openai.com/v1`,
if (!options.dangerouslyAllowBrowser && Core.isRunningInBrowser()) {
throw new Errors.OpenAIError(
"It looks like you're running in a browser-like environment.\n\nThis is disabled by default, as it risks exposing your secret API credentials to attackers.\nIf you understand the risks and have appropriate mitigations in place,\nyou can set the `dangerouslyAllowBrowser` option to `true`, e.g.,\n\nnew OpenAI({ apiKey, dangerouslyAllowBrowser: true });\n\nhttps://help.openai.com/en/articles/5112595-best-practices-for-api-key-safety\n",
baseURL: options.baseURL!,
timeout: options.timeout ?? 600000 /* 10 minutes */,
httpAgent: options.httpAgent,
maxRetries: options.maxRetries,
fetch: options.fetch,
this._options = options;
this.apiKey = apiKey;
this.organization = organization;
completions: API.Completions = new API.Completions(this);
chat: API.Chat = new API.Chat(this);
embeddings: API.Embeddings = new API.Embeddings(this);
files: API.Files = new API.Files(this);
images: API.Images = new API.Images(this);
audio: API.Audio = new API.Audio(this);
moderations: API.Moderations = new API.Moderations(this);
models: API.Models = new API.Models(this);
fineTuning: API.FineTuning = new API.FineTuning(this);
beta: API.Beta = new API.Beta(this);
protected override defaultQuery(): Core.DefaultQuery | undefined {
return this._options.defaultQuery;
protected override defaultHeaders(opts: Core.FinalRequestOptions): Core.Headers {
return {
'OpenAI-Organization': this.organization,
protected override authHeaders(opts: Core.FinalRequestOptions): Core.Headers {
return { Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}` };
static OpenAI = this;
static OpenAIError = Errors.OpenAIError;
static APIError = Errors.APIError;
static APIConnectionError = Errors.APIConnectionError;
static APIConnectionTimeoutError = Errors.APIConnectionTimeoutError;
static APIUserAbortError = Errors.APIUserAbortError;
static NotFoundError = Errors.NotFoundError;
static ConflictError = Errors.ConflictError;
static RateLimitError = Errors.RateLimitError;
static BadRequestError = Errors.BadRequestError;
static AuthenticationError = Errors.AuthenticationError;
static InternalServerError = Errors.InternalServerError;
static PermissionDeniedError = Errors.PermissionDeniedError;
static UnprocessableEntityError = Errors.UnprocessableEntityError;
export const {
} = Errors;
export import toFile = Uploads.toFile;
export import fileFromPath = Uploads.fileFromPath;
export namespace OpenAI {
// Helper functions
export import toFile = Uploads.toFile;
export import fileFromPath = Uploads.fileFromPath;
export import RequestOptions = Core.RequestOptions;
export import Page = Pagination.Page;
export import PageResponse = Pagination.PageResponse;
export import CursorPage = Pagination.CursorPage;
export import CursorPageParams = Pagination.CursorPageParams;
export import CursorPageResponse = Pagination.CursorPageResponse;
export import Completions = API.Completions;
export import Completion = API.Completion;
export import CompletionChoice = API.CompletionChoice;
export import CompletionUsage = API.CompletionUsage;
export import CompletionCreateParams = API.CompletionCreateParams;
export import CompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming = API.CompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming;
export import CompletionCreateParamsStreaming = API.CompletionCreateParamsStreaming;
export import Chat = API.Chat;
export import ChatCompletion = API.ChatCompletion;
export import ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam = API.ChatCompletionAssistantMessageParam;
export import ChatCompletionChunk = API.ChatCompletionChunk;
export import ChatCompletionContentPart = API.ChatCompletionContentPart;
export import ChatCompletionContentPartImage = API.ChatCompletionContentPartImage;
export import ChatCompletionContentPartText = API.ChatCompletionContentPartText;
export import ChatCompletionFunctionCallOption = API.ChatCompletionFunctionCallOption;
export import ChatCompletionFunctionMessageParam = API.ChatCompletionFunctionMessageParam;
export import ChatCompletionMessage = API.ChatCompletionMessage;
export import ChatCompletionMessageParam = API.ChatCompletionMessageParam;
export import ChatCompletionMessageToolCall = API.ChatCompletionMessageToolCall;
export import ChatCompletionNamedToolChoice = API.ChatCompletionNamedToolChoice;
export import ChatCompletionRole = API.ChatCompletionRole;
export import ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam = API.ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam;
export import ChatCompletionTokenLogprob = API.ChatCompletionTokenLogprob;
export import ChatCompletionTool = API.ChatCompletionTool;
export import ChatCompletionToolChoiceOption = API.ChatCompletionToolChoiceOption;
export import ChatCompletionToolMessageParam = API.ChatCompletionToolMessageParam;
export import ChatCompletionUserMessageParam = API.ChatCompletionUserMessageParam;
export import ChatCompletionCreateParams = API.ChatCompletionCreateParams;
export import ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming = API.ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming;
export import ChatCompletionCreateParamsStreaming = API.ChatCompletionCreateParamsStreaming;
export import Embeddings = API.Embeddings;
export import CreateEmbeddingResponse = API.CreateEmbeddingResponse;
export import Embedding = API.Embedding;
export import EmbeddingCreateParams = API.EmbeddingCreateParams;
export import Files = API.Files;
export import FileContent = API.FileContent;
export import FileDeleted = API.FileDeleted;
export import FileObject = API.FileObject;
export import FileObjectsPage = API.FileObjectsPage;
export import FileCreateParams = API.FileCreateParams;
export import FileListParams = API.FileListParams;
export import Images = API.Images;
export import Image = API.Image;
export import ImagesResponse = API.ImagesResponse;
export import ImageCreateVariationParams = API.ImageCreateVariationParams;
export import ImageEditParams = API.ImageEditParams;
export import ImageGenerateParams = API.ImageGenerateParams;
export import Audio = API.Audio;
export import Moderations = API.Moderations;
export import Moderation = API.Moderation;
export import ModerationCreateResponse = API.ModerationCreateResponse;
export import ModerationCreateParams = API.ModerationCreateParams;
export import Models = API.Models;
export import Model = API.Model;
export import ModelDeleted = API.ModelDeleted;
export import ModelsPage = API.ModelsPage;
export import FineTuning = API.FineTuning;
export import Beta = API.Beta;
export import FunctionDefinition = API.FunctionDefinition;
export import FunctionParameters = API.FunctionParameters;
export default OpenAI;